Strategies & Staking

The SOMO ecosystem rewards strategic participation. Big-brained web3 natives can establish a strong advantage through various mechanisms and combinations.

For example, the two most strategic assets in the IP are $SOMO and SOMO TerraNodes. The following are ideas to consider:

Strategy #1: Hoard and stake $SOMO

As the reserve token of the IP, $SOMO grants increasingly exclusive and premium benefits based on your holdings. These benefits will be limited in supply by design. Early adopters who participate during the IP economy's initial stages may gain significant advantages as the ecosystem develops.

Strategy #2: Amplify benefits and rewards through TerraNodes

SOMO TerraNodes will play an important role in the IP as a key economic layer. A simple and obvious benefit is collecting $SOMO rewards allocated to TerraNode owners. Similarly, more economic resources within the ecosystem will be emitted through TerraNodes.

However it does not end there. Combining $SOMO tokens and TerraNodes will multiply the benefits received by hodlers. For example, rewards and resources allocated to users that stake $SOMO LP tokens could be significantly multiplied.

Additional economic combinations will be explored to expand SOMO's reach and impact across web3 (DeFi, partner protocols, etc.). SOMO TerraNodes will be core beneficiaries of these partnerships.

Strategy #3: Influence the Somo universe and economy

By following Strategies 1 and 2, you'll collect valuable resources and assets that let you fully enjoy the SOMO universe. You can then use these assets to grow your influence in the ecosystem.

Here is one way it could work: As a $SOMO staker and TerraNode owner, you'll be a key recipient of ${redacted} tokens. This utility token is important because you need it to access many parts of the game and ecosystem experiences.

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