Combat System

In the heat of battle, every decision counts. Watch as your SOMOs unleash a torrent of attacks, their movements guided by your strategic choices. When a battle starts, based on the positions of all the units of both parties, they will start combat actions automatically.

  • The battlefield is not lane-based, but like an Real-time Strategy map, where the units can move around on a pixel-basis.

  • If the unit doesn’t have any enemy unit in their attack range, they will first move towards the closest enemy unit to engage.

  • Units that get their HP depleted by taking damage are eliminated from the battlefield, while the rest of the units of both parties continue to fight until battle conclusion.

  • A battle normally lasts for 1 minute at regular speed, but there can be edge cases where battles last much longer than normal.

  • There’s a time limit for each battle.

  • The battle result is concluded by either one party getting completely eliminated, or at the hard stop at the time limit, where the party with more units left wins.

  • If both parties have the same number of units left, the one with higher HP portions wins.

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